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What is a PCR test and can we rely on it?

Please note! When we refer to test kits on this website, we are talking about the official government tests kits known as rt PCR tests, or reverse transcript Polymerase Chain Reaction tests. This test was invented by Kary Mullis, an American bio-chemist, in 1984. Mullis stated that his test cannot diagnose infectious diseases and that you cannot get an accurate result when using it as a diagnostic tool. The newer lateral flow tests have never been proven to able to diagnose infectious viruses, either (see British Medical Journal article, below).

I can rely on the test kit to tell me if I am infected with Covid-19, right?
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The media informs us daily that the country is undergoing mass testing and that there is an alarming spike in 'cases' in various parts of the country. This is not true, as the rt PCR test cannot tell you if a person is infectious with Covid-19 - or any other virus, as there is currently no test specifically for Covid-19.


The rt PCR test takes genetic material (found in every single living organism on the planet) and amplifies it – it's like using stronger and stronger levels of magnification. The levels of amplification dictate whether or not you are deemed to be positive or negative for coronaviruses. Use the standard magnification of 25 cycles of amplification and you will test negative. Test again at 40/45 cycles of amplification and you will likely test positive, as it will find the tiniest scrap of viral genetic material in your sample. A breakdown of how PCR tests work and why they can't detect infectious disease can be found in this research by the Oxford University:

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Indeed, the best the rt PCR tests can do is tell you if you have any remnants of viral RNA in your sample. This viral RNA could be from colds and flus (coronaviruses) you've had in the past, or even from the flu vaccine. That is why there are so many positive tests results for otherwise perfectly healthy people – the viral RNA is old and therefore not infectious, which is why those people are not sick, symptomatic, and/or infectious.

But surely this is a scam?
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Since the cycle of amplification dictates the number of positive test results, 'cases' (also known as people with a positive tests result) can be raised or lowered at will. If you wish to target a particular area for lockdown, simply carry out mass testing in that area and turn up the amplification to maximum. With a high enough amplification, you can find fragments of viral RNA in most people, as we pick up viruses all the time throughout out lives – although our immune system usually keeps them in check.

But this means no one knows who actually has Covid-19, right?
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Although you may hear politicians admitting to a certain amount of false positives with the rt PCR test, the TRUTH is that not one rt PCR test is accurate. NOT ONE! This is because it is not fit for purpose and was never designed to be used as a diagnostic tool for viruses. Indeed, after almost a year of sitting on the fence, the World Health Organisation finally admitted, in January 2021, that the PCR tests are not accurate and it has issued a Notice to laboratories to reduce the number of cycles when using the test to stop all the false positives. The WHO also states in the Notice:


"Most PCR assays are indicated as an aid for diagnosis, therefore, health care providers must consider any result in combination with timing of sampling, specimen type, assay specifics, clinical observations, patient history, confirmed status of any contacts, and epidemiological information." (Emphasis ours)


More information on the WHO Notice of 13th January 2021 below.

This means that healthy people diagnosed with Covid based on a positive test doesn't have Covid-19?
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What we have is alleged 'cases' built on a test that cannot test for RNA fragments specific to any particular virus from the coronavirus family (which includes colds and flus) – and there are lots of them! That RNA could belong to any one of the already established coronavirus family.


This means that it is blatantly untrue to say a person died of – or even with – Covid-19, since there is no way of proving it with a test that cannot diagnose a person is infectious with a specific virus. At best, the diagnosis is guesswork based on a set of symptoms that are the same as the flu. And, although the test can pick up fragments of virus, it can't tell you which one(s) are present in the sample, or the viral load of the sample (how infectious a person is). The entire global pandemic is based upon the results of the rt PCR tests.

But, there are thousands of deaths and cases of infection!
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The Government has already admitted more than once that the death figures had been inflated and that they had double-counted positive results for the same person if they were tested more than once.  The Government also admitted to the tests having a high incidence of false positives - here is a short video of Matt Hancock getting caught out about false positives and being contradicted by Dominic Raab:



And even the BBC admitted there may be a problem with the tests:

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Former Chief Science Officer for the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer for 16 years Mike Yeadon called out these PCR tests as fake (click on the link below to watch the video). Yeadon insisted that:

Recently, the World Health Organisation has been forced to admit the tests aren't being used properly and have issued advice to those using them (although the WHO hasn't gone so far as to state the tests aren't fit for purpose - yet):

​ - (Please note that this is now an archived item, as the WHO removed the original notice from it's site about a month after it was first published.)


The importance of this climb down by the WHO on rt PCR testing cannot be stressed enough!


The entire pandemic is built upon the rt PCR test being able to accurately diagnose people infected with Covid-19. Since it cannot diagnose infection with ANY virus, then there can be no claim made that we are in the middle of a Covid-19 pandemic. There is ZERO evidence to support that stance now.


The WHO link also mentions the recent Portuguese court case, where the Portuguese government was taken to court by 4 German tourists, after one tested positive for Covid-19 and they were all quarantined - the court ruled PCR testing was not adequate and could not be relied upon in isolation, meaning there must also be Covid-19 symptoms present to support a positive test result:



If you're thinking the lateral flow tests may be more accurate, here's the British Medical Journal's professional scientific and medical view on them:


Obviously, had there been a real pandemic, this sort of fraud would be completely unnecessary.




  • If the test cannot test for infectious viruses, how is it possible to say a person is infected with Covid-19?

  • Covid-19 is meant to be a novel virus, different to seasonal flu, according to the government and media - so where did seasonal flu go from March 2020?

  • And why seasonal flu reduce at the same rate as the rise in Covid-19 cases?

  • If the symptoms of Covid-19 are essentially the same as seasonal flu, how is it possible to diagnose someone with Covid-19 without a test?


And most importantly, ask yourself: what real, independently verified evidence exists to show we are in the midst of a pandemic in this country?

Still not convinced? Ask yourself these important questions...

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All content on this website is gleaned from government's and media sources, and does not necessarily reflect the views of the website owners or contributors.

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