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Why they are doing it to us? Who are THEY anyway?

How did we get to this point in our history?


Well, to answer that question, first ask yourself, who gains from the pandemic? Because it's always wise to follow the money.


Money can buy most things – including people. The few driving this pandemic have more money than most people can dream of, so paying off doctors, scientists, politicians, the police, the judiciary – and most importantly, the media – is easy for them. And if a person can't be bought, there are other, more unpleasant ways, to secure their compliance, as history has shown us repeatedly.


Pushing an agenda that benefits the incredibly rich onto the entire population of the planet, no matter how ambitious that agenda might be, is not that difficult when you own national banks in almost every country, can bribe or threaten governments, own or control the world's media, own the pharmaceutical companies, set up and fund global organisations, such as the WHO (World Health Organisation) and the CDC (Centre for Disease Control), influence through donations the most prestigious universities, and through secret societies, like the Freemasons, control the police, military, and judiciary. We've all heard about local Freemasons getting off with speeding fines, or landing local government contracts without tender. So imagine what you can get away with if you are at the very top of the Freemason pyramid!

Follow the money
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So, who are the people behind this pandemic and why are they doing this?


They are an international group of billionaire businessmen who are rolling out technology, under the cover of the "pandemic", that will give them even more power, wealth, and control than they already have. They hide behind a veneer of philanthropy, so the public sees them as upstanding individuals.


In just a matter of months, their greed has destroyed our small and medium-sized businesses so that their global corporations can take over. The richest five billionaires, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett, and Elon Musk, saw a 59% increase in their total wealth, from $358 billion to $569 billion between March and September 2020. Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, added another $25 BILLION to his already incredible wealth in only the first 3 months of the pandemic, according to the Institute for Policy Studies. He is just one example of the super-rich making more billions while we suffer tighter and tighter controls of our freedoms and rights and lose our livelihoods and our homes.


Just imagine if these billionaires really were philanthropists? By donating a tiny proportion of their wealth they could end world hunger tomorrow... So ask yourself, why haven't they?

If you're looking for corruption and greed a bit closer to home, the Covid-19 pandemic has certainly provided a bit of a windfall for a few government cronies in the UK:



The UK government appears to have done its best to keep this information from the public - since it's your money they're giving away - but some real journalism has exposed the scandal.

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